Registration is now CLOSED

CYSL registration is no longer open.


1. Payments by check can be mailed to the league at P.O. Box 1537, Chico, CA, 95927 along with a copy of the registration form which can be downloaded HERE (and proof of birth date for new players – see below). Registration forms may also be picked up at Play It Again Sports in the Target shopping center or the CARD office on Vallombrosa.

2. Pay ONLINE by clicking your child’s division below.


Boys Under 6 (Born in 2020) – CLOSED
Boys Under 7 (Born in 2019) – CLOSED
Boys Under 8 (Born in 2018) – CLOSED
Boys Under 9 (Born in 2017) – CLOSED
Boys Under 10 (Born in 2016) – CLOSED
Boys Under 12 (Born 2014-2015) – CLOSED
Boys Under 15 (Born 2011-2013) – CLOSED
Girls Under 6 & Under 7 (Born in 2019 and 2020) – CLOSED
Girls Under 8 (Born in 2018) – CLOSED
Girls Under 9 (Born in 2017) – CLOSED
Girls Under 10 (Born in 2016) – CLOSED
Girls Under 12 (Born 2014-2015) – CLOSED
Girls Under 15 (Born 2011-2013) – CLOSED

WAITLIST: If the age group says full and you want to be put on the Waitlist, download the registration form HERE, fill it out, and email it over without payment. If you do get added, payment will be collected.

FEES: The registration fee is $130 per player.

PAYPAL: There is a PayPal processing fee of approximately $4 for all refunds. You should receive confirmation of payment from PayPal once your transaction has been processed. If you don’t get a receipt or have questions about your transaction, PayPal has excellent support available at (888) 221-1161.

DATES OF PLAY:  Games will be played on Saturdays, February 1 – March 22, March 29 is reserved for a make-up game in case we have 2 or more rainouts.

LOCATION:  All games are played on Saturdays at 20th Street Community Park.

PLAYERS NEW TO THE LEAGUE:  Non-returning players “new to CYSL” need to provide proof of birthdate by with one of the following: copy of a birth certificate, immunization record, passport or hospital certificate. Electronic copies of proof of birthdate can be sent to or a hard copy can be emailed, faxed or mailed to the league (do not mail original documents).

PLACEMENT ON TEAMS:  Placement on teams are done by random draw (only exceptions are coach’s children and one youth of the team sponsor).  For players registering after December 31st, placement on a team will be subject to space availability.  Registration will continue until teams are full.  When teams are full, registrants will be placed on a waiting list and held until an opening becomes available.  If they can not be placed by the 2nd game of the season, the registration fee will be returned.

UNIFORMS:  Uniforms consist of a colored T-shirt (provided by the league for participating players only). You will need to purchase a pair of all black shorts (new since Spring 2023) and solid colored socks to match the T-Shirt (no stripes on shorts or socks), and shin guards (mandatory during practices and games). Soccer shoes or turf shoes are recommended.  No metal or toe cleats allowed (toe cleats on baseball shoes can be cut off).