CYSL-Spring Coaches meeting is Sunday, January 19th at CARD Center from 12pm-2pm; coaches will receive an email with more details soon.
Coaches Info and Application
Coaches are volunteers and many are parents of youth playing. No special training is needed to be a coach, just a love of youth and a desire to help them learn to play soccer. There is a lot of coaching help online.
A coach’s application form can be filled out online below or you can download a PDF of the application form HERE and email the completed form to CYSL at
A coach’s meeting will be held on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at the CARD District Offices (545 Vallombrosa Ave). Returning coaches should pick up their coach’s manual, team roster, and team jerseys anytime between 11:00 am – Noon. New coaches come at Noon to get their packets and stay for an orientation meeting on league policies and procedures which should last until about 1:00 pm.
Coaches should have a minimum of one and a maximum of two practices a week in addition to their games on Saturdays. Many coaches will hold two practices a week before the season and then go to one during the season.
The league holds an optional two-hour coach’s clinic before each season to help new coaches learn coaching fundamentals, example drills, and techniques. There is no coaching clinic scheduled at this time. Additional information is available by contacting the league at (530) 894-1088 or by email at